nano|sec specializes in individual solutions in the field of laser technology. The machines are used to process materials or workpieces in the micro range for defined tasks. MiniTec is always involved.
Laser micromachining involves dimensions that are rarely encountered in normal everyday life. nano|sec in Darmstadt has focused on systems in precisely this environment. With a handful of specialists, the company develops individual solutions in which laser technology is used. This involves material processing in the form of holes and structures that are beyond human perception. And this is done with lasers across all wavelengths, from short-pulse lasers in the nanosecond range (ns lasers) to picosecond lasers (ps) and femtosecond lasers (fs).
Customers are located in the automotive sector, but also in the field of advertising graphics and design, for example. For example, nano|sec has realized a system for a promotional product manufacturer that enables personalized photo engravings on drinking glasses. Another important sector is the pharmaceutical and medical industry, where there are special requirements in terms of quality and precision.
The machines are mostly one-offs. Sometimes small series are also built, says Managing Director Rüdiger Kreuter: “We are happy when there are two or three machines of one type. This was the case with the system for personalizing drinking glasses, for example. We have now built seven of these units for the customer.” As with all nano|sec projects, special expertise was also required here. This is because very high precision requirements had to be met during glass processing - and this in view of the fact that glass can have large tolerances due to the production process. It was therefore a complex task to measure where and how the laser had to work in order to correctly reproduce grayscale values, for example. As usual, MiniTec was also brought on board as a partner for this machine.
Image engraving on drinking glasses and bottles with a laser system from nano|sec.
Machining area with optical bench.
High MiniTec share in plant projects
Rüdiger Kreuter comments: “Our systems are always developed together with MiniTec. We provide the basic objective, the specification and the process know-how. We then discuss this with MiniTec, and their experts then develop the concept - from the design to the electrical and mechanical engineering. If everything fits, then it's time for implementation. For the most part, this takes place at MiniTec. Only very sensitive components such as lasers, optics or sophisticated electronics are first assembled in Darmstadt, also to avoid transport damage. But MiniTec takes care of the mechanical and electrical engineering, so that we integrate the processes and carry out commissioning.”
The components used by MiniTec in the systems can vary greatly depending on the task and range from linear axes to conveyor lines and robots. In turn, nano|sec supplies the lasers, optics, electronics and software. Protective glass filters the harmful laser radiation so that the machine can be set up in a normal production environment.
Ultra-fine machining as a new strategy
The requirements in this high-tech environment are subject to constant change, which nano|sec meets with corresponding innovations, says Managing Director Kreuter: “For some time now, we have been observing that more and more tasks requiring ultra-fine machining are emerging in medical technology, but also in the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors as well as in molecular biology. That's why, a year and a half ago, we set ourselves the strategic goal of offering solutions in this area.”
The result is a new system line called NDX1. It enables ultra-fine machining in the single-digit micrometer range. The laser device is based on ultrashort pulse technology. The laser wavelength of 355nm is suitable for processing almost all materials such as plastics and metals. The NDX system offers several machine operating modes. These include the processing of rotary as well as non-rotary workpieces (free-form surfaces) in the form of marking, drilling, cutting, structuring and ablation. The fully automatic machine calibration for the axis systems of the laser and the measuring technology is also part of the functional scope.
Die neue NDX1 erlaubt die Ultrafeinbearbeitung im einstelligen Mikrometer-Bereich.
The laser wavelength of 355 nm is very suitable for processing plastics and metals.
1000 holes on an area of 5 mm diameter
The areas of application can be found wherever the finest structures or tiny holes are required in glass, steel, aluminum or ceramics. This is the case, for example, with inhaler technology, which is used in pulmonary medicine for the treatment of asthma. A stainless steel sieve is required here, which has around 1000 holes in a circle with a diameter of 5 mm. The medication is nebulized through the holes, which the patient then inhales so that it goes directly into the bloodstream.
Rüdiger Kreuter explains the advantages: “If you get something in your arm, such as a vaccination, the first question is how the medication gets from your arm into your lungs. But if you can inhale it, it goes directly into the lungs, which is much more effective and better.” He continues: “Another area of application for the NDX1 is filter techniques. When you draw up a syringe, the liquid has to be sieved beforehand to filter out impurities. The cannulas also need tiny holes for this. The whole area of osmosis is also important in the field of waste water technology or water purification, where the finest membranes are used. Microbiology, on the other hand, requires thin channels in the material where liquids can flow. These are all tasks that we can solve with the system.”
Advantages of working with MiniTec
nano|sec's focus is clearly on engineering; the company does not have its own parts production. MiniTec therefore plays a major role in the systems because the basic machines are almost completely designed and realized there. According to Managing Director Kreuter, there are good reasons for the long-standing collaboration: “My contacts at MiniTec have a high level of technical understanding and the chemistry is right. That's why we've been working together very successfully for a long time - it just fits! In addition, MiniTec profile technology offers further advantages thanks to its sophisticated system and innovative connection technology.”
THOR X4 enables the processing of almost any material, such as the engraving of glass, with the highest precision and works two to three times faster than a conventional laser.