Horticulture with profileThe Berlin University of Applied Sciences uses the profile system in many laboratories, including the Horticultural Phytotechnology Laboratory 08. March 2022
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At the Berlin University of Applied Sciences the profile system is used in many laboratories. Particularly in Department V - Life Sciences and Technology - it is increasingly being used in the horticultural phytotechnology laboratory.

The modular design is appreciated as a measuring stand for optimizing the photosynthesis rate under different LED spectra or in test setups for increasing the vitality of sports turf, right up to setups for measuring vertical greening.

Questions about climate adaptation in cities and increasing the well-being in indoor areas always pose new challenges to the experimental design. With MiniTec's profile system, the necessary variability of plants and sensors could be brought together in a targeted manner.

Here you will find suitable laboratory furniture for your project


[Translate to English:] Labor der Gartenbaulichen Phytotechnologie.
[Translate to English:] Die Berliner Hochschule für Technik nutzt das Profilsystem in vielen Laboren, unter anderem im Labor der Gartenbaulichen Phytotechnologie